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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 4《Road safety》第2课时公开课课件(江苏闫老师部级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 4《Road safety》第2课时公开课课件(江苏闫老师部级优课).ppt

译林版小学英语六下,Road Safety,Period 2,Grammar time & Fun time,Unit,4,Review time,can,How,cross the road safely,?,you,Review time,must,What,not do on the road,you,?,Traffic rules,can,cant,wait on the pavement,cross the road with other people,cross the road here,find a zebra crossing,cannot,must,mustnt,look for a zebra crossing,look at the traffic lights,play football on the road,run on the road,You,.,.,dangerous,important,alternative 可选择的,自读例句,感知must和can的区别。,Read and learn,modal verbs 情态动词,must,can,Looking For A Home,Looking For A Home,look for a zebra crossing look at the traffic lights keep quiet in the library listen carefully in class finish homework on time(按时) obey(遵守) the rules,play football after school sing English songs dance beautifully watch a film swim in the pool speak English well help him with his Maths,Looking For A Home,push the button,listen to music,get over the fence,cross the over-bridge,试着读一读!,know more,push the button,listen to music,get over the fence,cross the over-bridge,When we cross the road , we must /mustnt/can/cant ,选用合适的情态动词描述图片。,Look and say,Tips: 拿到花的同学,根据出示的场景,回答同学们问题,若不会可以寻求他人帮助。,Fun time,Pass the flower,Fun time,Fun time,corridor 走廊,Fun time,Fun time,museum,Fun time,Do more practise,Pair work,4,1,2,6,7,5,8,9,3,10,Pair work,Lucky You,Lucky You,park,swimming pool,restaur-ant,Watch a video,no rules,water using,cars parking,travelling,factories,Different rules around us.,Different rules around us.,(伤害),(原谅),(积极的),Assignment:,1.Look for more rules in public places. 2.Write down the rules,the more the better . (仿照Grammar time写得越多越好),We should know the rules. We must follow the rules. We can live a happier life.,Everyday English,Todays more and more children become picky eaters. The food pyramid(饮食平衡金字塔)shows us what to eat every day to keep healthy. We talk when were eating. We eat up all food each time. We waste too much.,Read and choose!,mustnt,should,mustnt,The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. Man can only drink and use only 3% of the whole water on the earth. Whats more, some of it has been made dirty. So we keep water clean. We throw rubbish into the river. We waste water. We reuse(再次利用) the water.,Read and choose!,must,mustnt,mustnt,should,Now cities are full of cars. Parking (停车) has become a big problem, because there is not enough space. Whats more, because of the cars , the streets are becoming more and more crowded and the air is becoming worse and worse(越来越糟). As pupils, we go to school by bus or metro. We ask our parents to reduce(减少) the drive. We make our city more beautiful.,Read and choose!,can,can,must,Read and choose!,Traveling is always pleasant and fun. We can enjoy a lot on the road-beautiful views, fresh air and delicious food. We can also many interesting people and make friends with them. But we speak loudly in public. We carve characters on tourist attractions(旅游景区). We cross(横穿) the road when the traffic lights are still red.We spit or litter anywhere.,mustnt,mustnt,mustnt,mustnt,Read and choose!,Now airpollutionisperhapsthebiggest problem.Itsbadforalllivingthingsintheworld. Factories play important a bad role(角色) in it because most of the dirty smoke and water come from them. Its time for us to do something to make our world a better place. We stop factories putting dirty smoke into the air. We stop factories pouring(倾倒) dirty water into the river.,must,must,We must follow different rules in different places.,Different places,different rules.,We can have a beautiful city,and have a beautiful life.,signs on the road,Brain storm,Todays more and more children become picky eaters. The food pyramid(饮食平衡金字塔)shows us what to eat every day to keep a healthy. Is it good to talk when youre eating? Do you eat up all the food each time? Dont waste too much!,The world is not only hungry, but it is also thirsty for water. Man can only drink and use only 3% of the whole water on the earth. Whats more, some of it has been made dirty. So what can we do now?,Now cities are full of cars. Parking (停车) has become a big problem, because there is not enough space. Whats more, because of the cars , the streets are becoming more and more crowded and the air is becoming worse and worse(越来越糟). As pupils, what can we do to help make our cities better?,Traveling is always pleasant and fun. We can enjoy a lot on the road-beautiful views, fresh air and delicious food. We can also many interesting people and make friends with them. But some visitors may do something unpleasant. They speak loudly in public, spit and litter anywhere, cross(横穿) the road when the traffic lights are still red,and even carve characters(刻字) on tourist attractions(旅游景区).,Now airpollutionisperhapsthebiggest problem.Itsbadforalllivingthingsintheworld. Factories play important a bad role(角色) in it because most of the dirty smoke and water come from them. Its time for us to do something to make our world a better place


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