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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第1课时公开课课件(江苏陆老师省级优课).pptx

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第1课时公开课课件(江苏陆老师省级优课).pptx

译林英语六下,Unit5,A party,What is the song about?,Where are they going?,Lets enjoy,Brain storming,Tips: 1、说出看到party想到物品、活动。 2、音乐停止,游戏结束!,Before the party,We should prepare things for the party. 为派对准备物品,drinks,fruit,snacks,toys,At the party,sing,dance,eat,drink,play,When are the children going to have the party? 2. Where are they going to have the party?,预习反馈:,It is Childrens Day this Sunday.The children are going to have a party at Mikes house.,Try to say like this: Su Hai is going to bring to the party. Wang Bing is going to bring ,Listen and match,clown,appear,about,near,p,出现,Tip: If you find some new words ,you can circle them. Then you can understand according to the story time. (圈出生词,结合上下文理解其意),Read in groups,Listen and match,balloons /u:/,The children are going to ________ first. play with the toys b. eat the food c. sing a song,a,Read and choose,选择疑问句:是指提出两个或两个以上可能的答案供对方选择。让对方根据实际情况进行选择回答 的句式。,Now the party begins.,Liu Tao: Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? Mike: Lets have some fun first! Children: Hooray!,T,F,F,F,F,F,at Mikes house,brings some fruit from home,Liu Tao goes to the party,have some fun,five,Tip: Remember, if the sentence is wrong, please say out the right answer.,Lets judge!,Sunday morning,Just then,Now,The Children bring their things to Mikes house ,A clown appears ,The party begins ,Lets act,Fill in blanks:,C_______ Day is coming. Mike and his f_______ are going to have a p_______ at Mikes house. Su Hai is going to bring some s______ and d______ . Wang Bing is going to bring some f______ . Yang Ling is going to bring some t______ . Liu Tao is going to bring something too . It is S_______ morning . Su Hai , Wang Bing and Yang Ling bring their things to Mikes house . Liu Tao does not come . Then , a c_______ a________ with some colourful b_______. That is Liu Tao ! The party b_______ . The children have great f______ at the party.,riends,hildrens,arty,nacks,rinks,oys,ruit,alloons,ppears,lown,unday,egins,un,Parties in the world,Birthday party,she is having a birthday party. They are going to have a great time.,Christmas party,Christmas is a big day. So people in western countries often have a Christmas party.,Halloween party,Children like Halloween party. Because Halloween party is interesting.,Birthday: 8th April,Welcome to the party,Invitation(邀请卡) Date:_________ Time:__________ Place:_________ With__________ Come and have fun !,Tip: Introduce(介绍) your invitation. Use the following sentences: We are going to ,homework,Thank you


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