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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 6《An interesting country》第2课时优质教案(江苏纪老师市级优课).doc

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 6《An interesting country》第2课时优质教案(江苏纪老师市级优课).doc

Unit 6 An interesting country (Period 2)Teaching contents教学内容:Grammar time& Fun time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语for example, like, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge2. 学生能知道will的用法和句型结构。3. 学生能了解其他国家的特色。4. 学生能仿照例子介绍其他国家的情况。5.学生对新知识能主动探求,享受学习英语的乐趣。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:教学重点:1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说单词和短语Melbourne, plant, for example, like, Oxford, Big Ben, London Eye, Tower Bridge2. 学生能知道will的用法和句型结构。教学难点:1. 学生能了解其他国家的一些特色。2. 学生能仿照例子介绍其他国家的情况。Preparation教学准备:多媒体课件Teaching procedures教学过程:Step1 RevisionT: We know students have different ways of learning before class.T: What will Mike do? Now if you are Mike.S: Ill ask my e-friend in Australia.T:What about Wangbing and the other students?S:Wang Bing: IllLiu Tao: IllYang Ling: Ill设计意图:复习故事时间,同时自然引入语法部分的学习,做到在情境中学习语法。Step2 Grammar time1.Read the sentences and find the rules:Ill ask his e-friend in Australia.Ill ask Mr Green.Ill read about Australia on the Internet.Ill go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.Q: What do you find in common?Teach : Ill= I willCan you tell me how will they learn about Australia?Hell ask my e-friend in Australia.Hell ask Mr Green.Hell read about Australia on the Internet.Shell go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.设计意图:通过故事时间的句型,自然变为第三人称的句型,在情境中学习语法。2. Lets read more sentences(1)First guide students to observe the abbreviation like Ill, youll, well, theyll, hell(2)Do a matchFind the complete patternsTeach: youll= you will, well= we will, theyll=they will, hell=he will, shell= she will(3)Then guide students to notice the tense of these structures.(通过Tips的形式呈现将来时时间状语)(4)Play a gameRules: 如果看到将来时的时间短语时,请大声用英语读出来,如果是其它的时间短语,一起说:interesting并拍手。设计意图:通过游戏巩固语法部分的学习。3.Think moreWhat else will you do if you want to find more about a country?I willShe/ He will设计意图:通过讨论,继续巩固语法部分的学习。Step3 Fun time1.Lets talk.We know a lot about Australia now, do you know why do people call Australia an interesting country?设计意图:通过头脑风暴,为fun time的新授做铺垫。2.Complete the noteT: You have known much about Australia now. Can you help Liu Tao to complete his notes about Australia this time?About AustraliaCities: , MelbourneWeather: warm and sunnyInteresting animals: and Interesting sport: Others: 516 parks for plants and animals3.Try to talkT: We know every country has its own features.Do you know them?T shows pictures of 3 countries: China, the USA, the UKQ: What do you know about these countries.S talk in groups.4.T: Now lets look at the UK first.(思维导图形式呈现)Do you have some questions about this country?S: Whats the weather like in the UK?S: What sport do they like?S: What cities does the UK have?S: What places can we go to in the UK?S: Does the UK have interesting animals?设计意图:通过思维导图,为fun time的新授做铺垫。5.Now let me tell you about the UKlisten and enjoy (Fun time)6.Make and sayT:Now can you finish the notes about the UK?After you finish the notes, please say something about the UK.Here are some useful sentences and phrases:Let me tell youYoull seelikeYoull findfor exampleThere areIt hasT: Now can you make some notes about our country and say something then?About ChinaWeather: Interesting sport: Interesting cities: Interesting places: : 设计意图:巩固fun time所学并进行情感深化。Step3 ConsolidationLets enjoy some pitcures about the US.The US is also an interesting country, What will you do to find more about the US?Step4 Homework:1.Review Grammar time and Fun time.2.Try to learn about the US in different ways.3. Make a note about the US.Blackboard design板书设计:Unit 6 An interesting countryIll I willHell ask his e-friend in Australia


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