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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《Checkout time & Ticking time》优质教案(江苏张老师部级优课).docx

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 3《Checkout time & Ticking time》优质教案(江苏张老师部级优课).docx

译林英语六下 Unit 3 A healthy diet (Checkout&Ticking time)教材与学情分析:本单元的主题是健康饮食,与学生生活密切相关。通过之前各课时对单元板块的学习,学生已能结合自己的生活实际,对照健康饮食金字塔,了解健康食品,并分析谈论自己和他人的饮食习惯是否合理,能适当提出建议。2019年4月7日World Healthy Day的主题是:Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere. 本课时将借此情境对单元进行整体复习,引导学生综合运用语言知识。并根据Billy的故事,写一封邮件告诉他如何生活得更健康。复习将包含双基训练和重点板块的拓展,并结合学过的知识(如Unit 2 Good habits等),逐步从课本主题引领到培养学生的核心价值素养上来,努力提升学生的语言能力和学习主动性。Teaching aims:1. 通过复习story time,学生能综合使用知识,判断 Mike 和Yang Ling的饮食习惯,并给出适当的建议。2. 复习“健康饮食金字塔”,学生能独立谈论自己的饮食习惯,并能在情境和游戏中较准确地使用 “some, a lot of, a little, a few”表达食品数量。3. 通过观看绘本,小组合作指出Billy“过去的生活”中不健康的部分,给出健康生活的建议。4. 通过小组讨论的建议和板书,完成给Billy的email写作训练,提高英语语用能力。5. 通过了解世界健康日,宣传健康生活的理念,培养学生健康生活的意识。Teaching difficult points:1.通过小组讨论的建议和板书,完成给Billy的email写作训练,提高英语语用能力。2.通过了解世界健康日,宣传健康生活的理念,培养学生健康生活的意识。Teaching key points:1.复习“健康饮食金字塔”,学生能独立谈论自己的饮食习惯,并能在情境中较准确地使用 “some, a lot of, a little, a few”表达食品数量。2.通过观看绘本,小组合作指出Billy“过去的生活”中不健康的部分,给出健康生活的建议。3.通过小组讨论的建议和板书,完成给Billy的email写作训练,提高英语语用能力。Teaching aids:ppt,板书, learning paperTeaching procedures:l Warm-up:1. (Before class)Enjoy a song:junk food& healthy food2. Free talk:How are you today?Look at me, what do you think of me?Look at the picture,am I slim or fat?How can I keep fit? Try to know more about me.3. Fun game:(意图:破冰活动,学情初步摸底)What do I like to eat?What do I like to do?I like the 7th of April,do you know why?4. Show the theme: World Health Day (意图:揭示主题,联系生活)T: Can you guess what day is it? What is it about? Lets enjoy a video.5. T:To have a healthy life,what should we do?S:We should have good habits, a healthy diet and do more sports.T:What kind of good habits should you have?S: Study habits, living habits, road habits, eating habits.T:That means we should have a healthy diet.l Revision and Presentation 1.Ask your mealsT:What do you eat for meals?S:.2. Review Food pyramid(意图:回忆金字塔,在复习词汇和数量词的基础上,帮助概括食物种类和对身体的益处。)T:So how much should we eat?S:We should eat a lot of: rice, noodles, bread.some fruit, vegetablessome milk,meat,fisha little: sweet foodT: Yes, we need a lot of grains,they give us carbohydrates.T: We need some fruit, vegetables,they give us vitamins.T:We need some milk,meat,fish, they give us proteins.T:Yes, we can eat a little sweet food at a time. It has high calories.3.Game: Feed frogsT:We use different adjectives to modify them. How can we use these adjectives? Lets play a game about food. Please choose right quantities to feed frogs.4.Look and write:T:Good job,boys and girls. You know how to use”a few”,”a little” and so on. Can you use these words to fill in the blanks? Open your learning paper and finish it.5.Review Story time - Comment YL and Mikes diets(意图:story time作为复习材料,对Mike和Yang Ling提出建议,目标基于课本,复习时稍高于课本。)T:You know whats a healthy diet. Do you remember Mike and Yang Lings diets? Can you give them some advice? Now, please work in 2,try to give them some suggestions.6. Watch, find and give advice - Billys life (意图:学过的cartoon time改编的新绘本动画激发学习兴趣,引起学生观察现象和思考问题,教师逐步引导学生分析出Billy的生活中存在的问题,总结、讨论原因,并给出建议。)(Billy: I cant get out!)T:Listen! Whats the matter?(Billy: I cant get out!)T:Whos that?S:Billy.T:Whats the matter with you? Lets watch and find what happened to him.T:After watching, can you talk about his questions?S:.T:We know Billy doesnt like sports,thats really unhealthy. Hes so fat, can you help him? Whats your advice? Please discuss in groups and try to help.S: (Say the bad habits out).T:Yes, he has some bad habits.T:Doe he have a healthy diet? S:No, he .T:Does he have any sports? S:No, he .T:What kind of sports can he have? S:.T:Thank you for your advice!T: To have a healthy diet, what should Billy do ? Please work in 2, try to give advice from 3 parts.S:.l Production1.Writing time (6-8 mins)(意图:根据小组讨论内容完成email,提供标题和结尾,降低写作难度。)T: On World Health Day,we write an email to him and tell him how to keep healthy. Now open your learning paper, try to write in these 3 ways.(Good habits, A healthy diet, Do more sports)2.Sharing timeChoose 2-3 students to show in class.3.Billys new lifeT:With your help,Billy changes a lot, what happens to Billy? Please work in 2,look at the pictures and try to ask some questions to him.T:Who wanna be Billy? You are friends of Billy. What are your questions?S:.T:What do you want to say to Billy?S: Youre so great!.4.Conclusion:If you have a healthy life, youll be happier.Homework:1. Finish your email and make it beautiful.2. Let more people know how to live a healthy life.A healthy lifeBlackboard Design: Unit 3 A healthy dietDo more sportsGood habitsPlay ball gamesRun/swim/skate .Food pyramidGet up earlyGo to bed earlyBrush teeth.(意图:板书既是课堂的主要活动步骤,又是写作主体内容的思维导图。由Good habits, a healthy diet, do more sports三个部分构成A healthy life,左右子栏目下方是课堂上生成的语言,中间是在课本金字塔的基础上添加的语言知识。除了三栏以外,还可以添加其他部分,如:Be happy等,及时生成什么是健康生活。


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