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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》第4课时优质教案(江苏沈老师市级优课).doc

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》第4课时优质教案(江苏沈老师市级优课).doc

6B Unit 7 Summer holiday plans period 4教学设计【教学内容】6B Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (checkout time & writing)【教学目标】1.语言能力:学生能准确使用一般将来时、熟练运用旅行计划相关词汇,对旅行计划进行问答,并进行口头和书面的阐述。学生能够掌握一定的写作技巧,包括语法的正确使用、语序的组织。学生能客观评价同学的作文,并用正确的修改符号进行修改。2.思维品质:进一步复习Unit 7中出现过的国家以及所对应的景点。运用本单元中一般将来时进行发散式问答,形成思维导图,并学会自己组织语言进行笔头的输出。3. 学习能力:培养学生运用一般将来的疑问句谈论暑期旅行计划的能力。4. 文化品格:培养学生与人分享自己假期的快乐。【教学重点】学生能准确使用一般将来时、熟练运用旅行计划相关词汇,对旅行计划进行问答,并进行口头和书面的阐述。【教学难点】学生能够运用本单元中一般将来时进行发散式问答,形成旅行计划的思维导图,并在学习写作方法指导下,学会自己组织语言进行旅行计划的书面输出。【教学方法】1.情景教学法:在情境的设计中提高学生问答能力。2.多媒体白板辅助教学法:设计新颖,化解了教学难点,提高了学生学习积极性。【教具准备】白板课件、图片、卡片。【教学过程】1. Step1 Warming-up Free talk:T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Shen.T: lets have free talk. What date is it today?S: Its .T: whats the weather like today?S: Its sunny and warm.T: We are in May now , when we are in June and July, the weather becomes very hot. What holiday is coming?S: The summer holiday is coming.T: Yes, summer holiday is coming. We can do many things in the summer holiday. What will you do for the summer holiday?S:I will.T:Today we continue to learn Unit 8 Summer holiday plans设计意图: 通过课上的free talk 环节,从天气的炎热引出summer holiday, 接着让学生谈一谈自己暑假打算做的事情, 操练了一般将来时的陈述句表达并引出暑假旅行计划这一主题。Step2 Presentation and practice Checkout time Review T: I like summer holiday too. Can you guess why do I like summer holiday? Let me tell you. Because I can have enough time to go travelling. Do you like going travelling?S: Yes. T: We can travel to different countries. Look at the map of the world. Which country is it? S: Its the US. T:Can you say more about the US/China/Australia/Canada? Youll find.S: You will find/ eat.设计意图: 通过复习国家,让学生进行这个国家的头脑风暴,以此来复习这个国家所对应的景点、动物、美食等,为后面暑假旅行计划的写作进行语言素材的积累。 Brain storm T: Boys and girls, we talked about many interesting places just now. Will you go travelling this summer holiday?S: Yes, I will.T: You know I like travelling, I will go travelling this summer holiday. Do you want to know my summer holiday plan? You can ask me some question. (此时板贴where/what/how/how long/who,同学问一个问题,老师回答一个问题)设计意图: 通过学生对老师暑假计划的提问,操练一般将来时的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,以此形成旅行计划的思维导图,并且老师口头输出有关旅行计划的内容进行语言的输入。 Pair workT: look, this is my summer holiday plan. Now I want you to write about your plan and then use the questions to ask your partners plan. S: 写自己的计划并且问同伴的暑假旅行计划。设计意图: 学生通过一问一答的方式既操练一般将来时的疑问句,又进行了旅行计划的口头输出。 Make a reportT: Now you can use the sentences here to introduce your summer holiday plan and your partners plan.设计意图:通过老师所给的语言支架进行暑假旅行计划的段落式第一层次的简单输出,为后面的教学环节做铺垫。Writing1 Lets compareT: I know your summer holiday plans now. Look, here are two summer holiday plans. Now ,read the two passage by yourselves.S: .T: which one do you like ?S: the second one.2 Lets discussT: Discuss in pairs of four, and discuss the reasons why you like the second one, you can underline or circle the phrases and sentences.S: .T: Who wants to share with us? S: I like the sentence, because this sentence is a long sentence, I know where will he go/when will he go/how will he go?T:Great! Its a long sentence, From this sentence, we can get more information. Here is a trip for you, write more information. We can use “for example, such as, like ”贴tip, tip下方写for example, such as, like.S: I like this sentence, this sentence uses the word “.”T: Yes, heres another tip for you, write nice sentences. 板书tipS: I like the beginning.T: Yes. When we write the beginning, we can write it in two ways. One is narration, the other way is question profile. There are some examples for you ,lets read together. 板贴 tipS: I like the sentence, this sentence uses “ but”,T: when we are writing, we can use conjunctions. 板书tip3 Lets revise学生修改第一篇给的文章。T:Now, we have learned some writing techniques, so we can revise the first summer holiday plan.Lets check. How about the beginning, how about the ending? These sentences, how to revise?设计意图: 设计两篇旅行计划,一篇句型简单,一篇是优秀的作文,通过对比两篇旅行计划的作文,让学生进行美文赏析,说一说喜欢这一篇的原因,这篇写的好是好在哪里。分别从开头结尾,以及文章的词句方面着手,出示写作的几个小贴士。在掌握写作技巧后,让学生修改第一篇作文,及时的进行巩固反馈。Step3 Consolidation and production1 lets readT: look at the second summer holiday plan, first lets read together. S: .lets writeT: the first paragraph is the beginning, we write where, when , who and how long. The second para is the main body, we write what to do/eat/see. the last para is the ending, we express our feelings. So ,its your time to write your summer holiday plan.S: 学生进行写作2 lets show白板进行作文展示并修改。 随后同桌间进行修改。作业设计1. Finish your writing about your summer holiday plans.2. Ask one of your friends to make your writing better.板书设计


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