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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 4《Road safety》第1课时公开课课件(江苏刘老师市级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 4《Road safety》第1课时公开课课件(江苏刘老师市级优课).ppt

Story time,Students: Class 1,A. Food safety.(安全),C. Road safety.,B. School safety.,safe 安全(形容词),safety 安全(名词),keep safe 保持安全,road safety 马路安全,Unit4 Road Safety,PK,Rules(规则): 男女PK,完成学习目标,向目的地前进。谁离终点更近,谁就是获胜者,成为道路安全标兵哦!,终点,终点,我们能了解一些道路安全规则。,我们能了解一些道路安全设施。,我们能告知他人有关道路安全的知识。,Learning aims:,pavement(人行道),/pevmnt/,crossing (十字路口),/krs/,zebra crossing(斑马线),/zebr /,traffic lights 交通灯,/trfk /,zebra crossing,traffic lights,pavement,rail,overpass,underpass,How can you cross the road safely?,穿过,We must follow the rules.,我们必须遵守规则。,安全地,How to cross the road without a zebra crossing?,What must you not do on the road?,1,2,3,How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,Watch and match,观看动画,将图片与道路安全规则匹配。,你禁止在马路上做什么?,没有,Watch and match,How to cross the road without a zebra crossing?,What must you not do on the road?,1,2,3,How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,Watch and match,A,B,C,没有,How to cross the road without a zebra crossing?,What must you not do on the road?,1,2,3,How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,Watch and match,Rule 1:How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,Part 1,仔细听课文第一部分,选出正确的答案。,a zebra crossing,green man,traffic lights,Part 1,Rule 1:How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,B.,A.,C.,a zebra crossing,green man,traffic lights,First, you must . Then, you must . and .,Part 1,Rule 1:How to cross the road at a zebra crossing?,We can go.,red man,green man,We mustnt go. 禁止,mustnt = must not,Part 1,Can you see the _____ man? You ______ cross the road now.,Look! Heres the ______ man. You _____ cross the road now.,red,mustnt,green,can,Part 1,Do you remember?,How to cross the road safely? First look for ______________ , Then look at ______________ . __________ stop, __________ go, You must wait, On the road!,a zebra crossing,the traffic lights,Green man,Red man,Lets chant,Part 1,Tips: must, can, should都是情态动词, 后面跟动词原形。can的意思是 “可以”。should的意思是“应该”。must的语气较强,意思是“必须”, mustnt的意思是“禁止”,通常用于法律法规的要求。,Part 1,1. 迈克可以乘公交去上学。,Mike can go to school by bus.,2. 我们应该每天吃一些水果。,We should eat some fruit every day.,3.你禁止在马路上乱跑。,You mustnt run on the road.,4. 太晚了,我必须回家了。,Its too late. I must go home.,Part 1,Listen and repeat,Part 1,Listen and repeat,Part 1,Part 2,Rule 2: How to cross the road without a zebra crossing?,( )1. You can wait on the motorway (机动车道) and look out for cars and bikes. ( )2. You must first look right, then left, and then right again. ( )3. Its safer to cross the road with other people.,Part 2,Read and judge,阅读课文第二部分,判断句子是否正确。,( ) 1. You can wait on the motorway (机动车道) and look out for cars and bikes. ( ) 2. You must first look right , then left , and then right again. ( ) 3. Its safer to cross the road with other people.,Part 2,pavement,right,left,left,F,F,T,A,B,Read and judge,Because the drivers can see you eaily.,easy 容易的 easily 容易地,pavement,cars and bikes,left,right,left,other people,Finish the form,Part 2,No zebra crossing,When you cant find ., you can . and . You must first ., then .and then . again. You can also . with . Then the drivers can .,Part 2,Listen and repeat,Part 2,Part 3,We mustnt,Brain Storm,Rule 3: What must you not do on the road?,Ask and answer,What must you not do on the road? We mustnt/ must not ,Part 3,Part 3,Look and say,Listen and imitate,Part 3,rule 1,rule 2,rule 3,Lets summarize,Follow the rules and stay safe on the road.,保持安全,Read together,zebra crossing,traffic lights,pavement,left,right,left,other people,run,play,老奶奶遵守安全规则了吗?,Watch and think,老奶奶遵守安全规则了吗?,Watch and think,: Grandma, you mustnt cross the road like that! : Why? : Its not safe. : But there is no zebra crossing! : You must wait on and look out for . : Look out? How? : You must first look then and then : Like this? : Very good, Grandma! You can also cross with : I know. Thank you .,Lets act,让我们教老奶奶安全地过马路吧!,哪一队同学获胜了呢?,恭喜你们成为道路安全标兵,快贴上安全勋章吧!,Remember the traffic rules try to be safe for us and our family!,Safety is very important.,Remember the rules and try to be safe for us and our family!,Lets vow together! 让我们一起来宣誓吧! I must learn more about safety rules. I must follow the safety rules. I must help others to be safe. Start from me! Start from now!,我们能了解一些道路安全规则。,我们能了解一些道路安全设施。,我们能告知他人有关道路安全的知识。,Ticking time,Homework,1. Copy the new words four times. 抄写新单词四遍。 2. Read and recite Story time. 朗读并背诵Story time。 3. Know more rules about road safety. 了解更多有关道路安全的知识。,Goodbye


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