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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第4课时公开课课件(江苏万老师部级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第4课时公开课课件(江苏万老师部级优课).ppt

Unit5 A party,What have you learnt from this unit? (这单元你学到了什么?),the sound of “ow”,use “amis are going to” to make plans,know about parties,Lets check!,1. Read the chant. 2. Classify the sound of “ow”.,Super sound,Enjoy the story,1. Use“am/is/are going to”to ask and answer questions about their parties. 2. Write down the questions.,Brain storming,1. Write down some phrases about the parties. 2. Make a sentence with your phrases.,Tips: 1. Choose one task and work in six. 2. No Chinese! 3. Each student should take part in the task.,Lets ask and answer!,1.Use“am/is/are going to”to ask questions about their parties. 2. Write down the questions. 3. At least 1 question for each student. 4. The second student cannot write the same thing.,Enjoy the story,Can you find the rules?,on Childrens Day.,this Sunday.,主语 + be going to + 动词原形 +(时间状语),Lets find!,Brain storming,1. Write down some phrases about the parties. 2. Make a sentence with your phrases.,Parties,some lollipops,We are going to bring some lollipops to the party.,Lets say!,.,food,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Lets say!,1. Read the chant. 2. Classify the sound of “ow”.,Super sound,Do you know, the clown show? Throw the yellow flower low.,a,know,clown,show,throw,yellow,flower,low,Garden party,Lets talk!,Garden party plans,Garden party plans Dear my children, It is going to be Garden party next Thursday. I hope you are going to enjoy the party. Give you an unforgettable(难忘的)memory. The party is going to begin at one and end at three in the afternoon. We are going to have a singing competition(比赛). You need to prepare some English songs. We are also going to play some games. If you win, you are going to get a gift. At last, we are going to have a buffet reception (冷餐会)in our playground. You are going to bring some fruit,snacks and drinks and share with other students. Were going to take some photos at the party. After the party I will send these photos to school website(网站). You can download(下载) them. Yours Belinda,Lets read!,Tips: 1. Work in pairs. 2. Read it quickly. 3. Underline the answers.,What are we going to do at the party?,Garden party plans Dear my children, It is going to be Garden party next Thursday. I hope you are going to enjoy the party. Give you an unforgettable(难忘的)memory. The party is going to begin at one and end at three in the afternoon. We are going to have a singing competition(比赛). You need to prepare some English songs. We are also going to play some games. If you win, you are going to get a gift. At last, we are going to have a buffet reception (冷餐会)in our playground. You are going to bring some fruit,snacks and drinks and share with other students. Were going to take some photos at the party. After the party I will send these photos to school website(网站). You can download(下载) them. Yours Belinda,Birthday party,Welcome party,Fancy dress party,Christmas party,Halloween party,Farewell party,Lets discuss!,party plans,Lets write!,party plans,Tips: 1. Work in six. 2. At least 1 sentence for each student. 3. The second student cannot write the same thing.,We are going to have.party.,Share your party plans with your friends. Vote for the party you like .,Have a good time!,Goodbye


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