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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 6《An interesting country》第1课时公开课课件(江苏朱老师部级优课).pptx

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 6《An interesting country》第1课时公开课课件(江苏朱老师部级优课).pptx

Unit6 An interesting country,listen carefully,What will you do at this lesson?,.,Think and say,I will .,I will listen carefully.,I will speak loudly.,I will think very hard.,I will talk in English.,Chant,I will enjoy this class.,Brainstorm,country,Look and say,What countries can you think about?,Look and say,interestingcountries,Italy,German,France,Japan,the USA,Brazil,Egypt,the UK,Read and talk,Which country will they learn about?,The children will learn about Australia next week.,Read and talk,They want to find out about this country before the lesson.,find out,Australia,How will the children find out about Australia?,Look and say,Tips: 1、四人一组读第58页。 2、读一读孩子们将用什么方法找到有关澳大利亚的信息。,Ill .,magazine 杂志,Tips:四人分角色表演, 背景部分全班齐读。,The children will learn about Australia next week.,Ill ask my e-friend in Australia. She can send me some photos.,Ill ask Mr Green. He comes from Australia.,Ill read about Australia on the Internet.,Ill go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia.,want to find out about this country before the lessons.,They,Read and act,Think and talk,What else will you do?,ask Mr Green,read about Australia on the Internet,go to the library and look for books and magazines about Australia,ask his e-friend in Australia,Ill.,Watch and tick,Australia,看动画,找出刘涛所读的文章介绍了澳大 利亚的哪几个方面。,( ),( ),( ),( ),Watch and tick,food,( ),看动画,找出刘涛所读的文章介绍了澳大 利亚的哪几个方面。,Watch and tick,What are the interesting things about Australia?,看动画,找出刘涛所读的文章介绍了澳大 利亚的哪几个方面。,( ),( ),( ),( ),Watch and tick,food,( ),Read and find,仔细阅读P59,找出相关的句子读一读。,kangaroo,koala,Read and find,仔细阅读P59,找出相关的句子读一读。,Look and say,Australian football,A.,B.,Watch and feel,仔细阅读P59,找出相关的句子读一读。,Look and say,Read the magazine,Sydney is the biggest and oldest city in Australia.,Read the magazine,Sydney is the biggest and oldest city in Australia.,2000 Olympic Games has been held in Sydney.,Read the magazine,2000 Olympic Games has been held in Sydney.,In Sydney, you can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is one of the longest bridges in the world.,Read the magazine,In Sydney, you can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is one of the longest bridges in the world.,You also can see the famous Sydney Opera House.It looks like shells.,Read the magazine,You also can see the famous Sydney Opera House.It looks like shells.,And in Sydney, there are thirty beautiful beaches.,Read the magazine,Listen and read,四人一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读P59课文。,和同伴轮流读,自己朗读,小组内齐读,Reading,Learn more about Australia,活动规则:,1.四人小组,阅读手中的材料。,2. 小组成员共同按照材料要求,完成其中的内容。,3.小组内说一说材料内容,并上台向大家介绍。,Talk and say,Use your brain, and broden your eyes!,Explore the world by yourselves!,Homework,1. Listen, read and recite the story. 2. Finish the exercises on P60. 3. Introduce Australia to your friends


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