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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第3课时公开课课件(江苏陈老师部级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 5《A party》第3课时公开课课件(江苏陈老师部级优课).ppt

Sound time, Culture time &Cartoon time,Watch and think,Hello, Chen Qiutong. Im coming.,B: Its 2:05. Let me go.,B: Its just 1:50. Ill go.,Discuss and say,B: Hello, Chen Qiutong. Im coming.,B: Oh, Ill go to the birthday party. Im very excited. Look, these are the snacks. Its 1:00. I should go now.,Scene 1,A: Its too early.,A: Hello, Im Chen Qiutong. Im going to have a birthday party at home. It is from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Welcome to my party.,Scene 3,Scene 2,Hello, Chen Qiutong. Im coming.,A: Im sorry. Wait for a few minutes.,B: A few minutes?,A: Welcome, my friend. Come in, please.,get to,gift,Practice and act,B: Hello, . .,B: Oh, Ill go to . party. Im very . . Look, these are the . . Its . . I should go now.,Scene 1,A: Its too early.,B: Its . . Ill go.,A: Hello, Im . Im going to have a party. . It is from . .,Scene 3,Scene 2,B: Hello, . .,A: Im sorry. Wait for a few minutes.,B: A few minutes?,B: Its . . Let me go.,B: Hello, . .,A: Welcome, my friend. Come in, please.,2.Use your own languages.,1.Act in pairs.,Guess and read,Look out of the window At the lovely snow! Does anybody know Why we have snow?,Feelings,Activities,What is my gift? Guess!,1.Read in groups.,2.It is better to add some actions! 加上动作会更好哦!,Look out of the window At the lovely snow! Does anybody know Why we have snow?,/u/,Think and read,What do these words have in common?,Watch and say,Bobbys class is going to have a party soon.,Watch and say,What are they going to do at the party?,Listen and repeat,Which picture do you like best?,Read and talk,Imagine and act,1.Lets act this story in groups. 自由组合表演。,2. Enrich the story.大胆展开想象,让内容更丰富。,Pajama party,Surprise party,Fancy dress party,Know more,Whats . going to bring to the party?,Whos going to buy snacks and drinks for the party?,Discuss and make,Whats . going to do for the party?,Whens it going to end?,Where are you going to have the party?,Whens the party going to begin?,party,2 Surf the Internet and find out more party manners . (上网浏览并找出更多聚会礼仪。),Act out the story in Cartoon time.,Homework,3. Host the party.(试着举办一个聚会


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