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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》第1课时公开课课件(江苏刘老师部级优课).ppt

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苏教译林版六下英语Unit 7《Summer holiday plans》第1课时公开课课件(江苏刘老师部级优课).ppt

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Story time),Name : Lily,School : Dingmao Primary School in Zhenjiang,Hobbies : Reading and travelling,travel 旅游,Last summer holiday,A wonderful holiday,Date :July.15th-July.18th ,2016,Place : _____?______,仔细看照片,看看你能发现什么?一会儿来证实你的猜想吧!,Last summer holiday,Where ?,How ?,What ?,How long (多久)?,Where will you go?,How will you go?,What will you do there?,How long will you stay there? (多久),What are they doing?,Where will they go for the holiday?,1 2 3 4,a b c d,Watch and match,Where will they go for the holiday?,Watch and match,1 2 3 4,a b c d, will go to for the holiday.,Guess,How will they go there?, will go to by ,Read and say,What will they do there?,Learning Tips: 小组内阅读课文,划出文中各个人物将要做的事情,并简单说一说你是怎么知道的。,Read and judge,2.Yang Ling will go to Beijing by train.( ),3. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong with her friend.( ),4. Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents.( ),5. Liu Tao will take some photos after the holiday.( ),F,T,F,1. Mike will stay in London for two months.( ),T,F,Learning Tips: 阅读课文,判断句子是否正确,不对的请指出错误之处,并进行改正。,Lets imitate,Where will you go for the holiday, Mike?,Ill go back to London.,How long will you stay there?,Ill stay there for a month. What about you?,Lets imitate,Ill visit my aunt and uncle in Beijing.,That sounds great. Will you go to Beijing by plane?,No, I wont. Ill go by train.,Lets imitate,Where will you go for the summer holiday, Su Hai?,Ill go to Hong Kong with my family.,Will you go to Disneyland?,Yes, I will. Well go to Ocean Park, too. What about you , Liu Tao?,Lets imitate,Ill go to Taipei with my parents.,Thats wonderful.I want to see the city too.,OK. Ill show you some photos after the holiday.,Happy reading,Read it together. 小组一起读。,Read after one. 一人领读, 其余跟读。,Read in roles. 组内分角色读。,Our summer holiday,My friend and I will be busy in the summer holiday. My family and I will visit Grandma and Grandpa in _____________. We will stay there for __________ . Yang Lings ___________________ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer. She will go there by __________. Su Hai and her family will visit ___________________ and _____________ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to ___________ with his parents. He will take some ___________ and show them after the holiday.,London,a month,aunt and uncle,train,Disneyland,Ocean Park,Taipei,photos,Read and write,1.Enjoy some photos of beautiful cities.,2.Talk with partners about your plans.,3.Have a report about your plans.,Where will you go for the summer holiday?,How will you go there?,How long will you stay there?,What will you do there?,That sounds great.,I will go to .,I will go by,I will stay there for,I will ,大胆大声地与你的同桌讨论你的暑假打算吧,别忘了下面的句子可以给你提供帮助哦!,Enjoy your travelling! 享受旅行!,Have a happy life! 快乐生活!,Read the text after the tape three times. 2. Talk about your plans with your classmates for the summer holiday.,Homework:,Thank you!


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