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人教版七年级下册英语Unit 7《It’s raining!》Section B 2a—2c课件(湖南部级优课).ppt

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人教版七年级下册英语Unit 7《It’s raining!》Section B 2a—2c课件(湖南部级优课).ppt

Unit 7,Unit 7,Its raining!,Section B 2a-2c,Talk about the pictures and match each postcard below with the correct picture in 2a.,2a-2b,Free talk and Fast Reading,1、Hows the weather? 2、What are the people doing?,Dear Jane, Hows your summer Im having a Dave,Dear Jane, Hows it going? Im having a great time Su Lin,To Jane,To Jane,sunny,orange juice,mountains,cool and cloudy,2b:Match each postcard with the correct picture in 2a.,Fill in the chart with information from the postcard in 2b.,2c,Careful reading,Cool and cloudy,In Europe,1.writing to Jane 2.walking in the mountains,In Canada,Su Lin,Dave,Warm and sunny,1.visiting her aunt 2.studying English 3.visiting old friends 4.sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice,Discuss:,What do you think of Su Lin and Dave? What can we learn from them?,1.We should study hard. 2.We should enjoy life.,Reading Contest,have a great time + doing sth. have fun 意为“做某事过得愉快”。例如: I have a great time / have fun singing and dancing. 我唱歌、跳舞过得很高兴。,Language Points,Translation 1. 暑假 _________________ 2. 拜访我的姑姑 _______________ 3. 在加拿大 ________________ 4. 现在 ____________ 5. 努力学习 ________________ 6. 度假________________ 7. 不久见________________________________,summer vacation,visit my aunt,in Canada,right now,study hard,Exercises,on a vacation,See you soon.,Translate these sentences:,1、我正在加拿大探望我姑姑,过得很开心。 2、Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.,Im having a great time visiting my aunt.,现在是下午,我正坐在泳池边喝橙汁。,1、阅读理解技巧 key words and key sentences 2、重点短语 have a great time/have fun 3、现在进行时的句型结构:be+doing 4、We should study hard and enjoy our life!,summary,Write a postcard to your friend.,Homework,Forms: 1、Greeting ( Hows it going?) 2、Main part (What you are doing and how you feel) 3、Closing (See you soon. ),Dear Jane, Hows it going?Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada .Shes working here and Im going to summer school. Im studying English and Im learning a lot. Im also visiting some of my old friends. Im so happy to see them again. Its afternoon right now, and Im sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.Its warm and sunny, and its very relaxing here. See you soon. Su Lin,Dear Jane, Hows your summer vacation going? Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?Im having a great time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains.I want to call you but my phone isnt working,so Im writing to you.Its hot in your country now,isnt it? The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking. See you next month Dave


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