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闽教版五年级下册英语Unit 6《Feelings》第2课时课件(福建部级优课).pptx

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闽教版五年级下册英语Unit 6《Feelings》第2课时课件(福建部级优课).pptx

Unit 6 Feelings Part B,闽教版小学英语五年级下册,Do you often use it ? 你们经常使用它吗?,We use them to show our feelings. 表达,feelings,感觉,感受,Feelings,happy,proud,thirsty,hungry,angry,an,hungry,angry,angry,gr,Whats Yang Mings feeling?,Watch and answer.,Whats Yang Mings feeling?,He looks _______.,A.angry,Whats Yang Mings feeling?,sad,C.tired,D.happy,s,双项选择,B.,dad,sad,He looks _______.,A.angry,Whats Yang Mings feeling?,tired,B.sad,D.happy,s,双项选择,C.,/ai/,ire,t,d,Lets guess猜一猜.,He looks _______.,happy,She looks _______.,sad,Lets guess猜一猜.,2.Why is Yang Ming sad?,Watch and answer.,2.Why is Yang Ming sad?,A. He didnt do well in long jump. B. He didnt do well in high jump.,Watch and answer.,do well in,didnt do well in,在做得好,在没做好,did well in,didnt do well in,I ________ English.,I ________ swimming.,did well in,didnt do well in,I didnt do well in .,Im only the ______in high jump.,仅仅,只有,第四(序数词),four,th,fourth,high jump,Work in pairs,(伙伴合作),fourth,I didnt do well in________.(high jump, long jump, running, swimming) I am only the______.(second, third, fourth),3.What did Lily and Wang Tao say to encourage Yang Ming?,李丽和王涛说了些什么来鼓励杨明的?,Read and underline.(阅读划线),W:Oh,Yang Ming is sitting nder the tree. L:He looks tired.W:He looks very sad.W:Hi,Yang Ming.Y:I didnt do well in high jump.L:Oh,cheer up!Y:Im only the fourth in high jump.L:Thats very good.W:Not all can be the first!,Read and underline.(p45),Not all can be the first.不是所有人都能成为第一。,Try our best to do everything! 我们尽力做好每件事!,W:Oh,Yang Ming is sitting under the tree. L:He looks tired.W:He looks very sad.W:Hi,YangMing.Y:I didnt do well in high jump.L:Oh,cheer up!Y:Im only the fourth in high jump.L:Thats very good.W:Not all can be the first!,Listen and follow.(跟读),Role play. (角色扮演),Lets retell the story.,Sometimes I have bad feelings!,有时候我感觉很糟糕,What can I do to make myself happy?,我可以做些什么让自己开心呢?,使用“You can”来表述自己的建议,Can you give me some advice(建议)?,You can,go swimming,watch movies,advice (建议),go running,go shopping,read books,do sports,watch TV,Read and match.,My feelings My name is Lily. I have many feelings. My feelings change(变化) from time to time. When I am happy, I can go out and play with my friends. When I am angry, I can go running. When I am tired, I can go to sleep.When I am sad, I can watch a film.,1,2,4,3,D,C,B,A,Read and match.,Think and write.,My name is _________. When I am ________, I can ___________________. When I am ________, I can ___________________. When I am ________, I can ___________________. When I am ________, I can ___________________. (Feelings: hungry, thirsty,happy, proud, sad, tired,angry.),In our daily life,we have good feelings and bad feelings. 在我们的日常生活中,我们会有正面情 绪,也会有负面情绪。,When you have bad feelings,please choose the right way to do. 我们要学会管理自己的坏情绪。,Dont hurt yourself or hurt others. 但是不要伤害自己,伤害他人。,Enjoy everyday!,享受每一天!,1. 听录音,熟读本课内容。 2. 完成快乐英语课时通中本课的练习。 3. 与朋友分享自己的情绪管理方法


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