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译林版七年级下册英语Unit 1 Dream homes Grammar课件(四川部级优课).pptx

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译林版七年级下册英语Unit 1 Dream homes Grammar课件(四川部级优课).pptx

Unit1 Dream homes Grammar,8,15,cardinal numbers,ordinal numbers,Neil,Stephen,Anna,7th,dates,floors,people,Discussion: When do we use cardinal and ordinal numbers? Can you give some examples?,positions,things,Cardinal,Ordinal,Read the cardinal numbers,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety,teen /ti:n/,ty /ti/,100 1,000 10,000 200,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 200,000,000,one hundred,one thousand,ten thousand,two hundred thousand,one million,ten million,two hundred million,hndrd,aznd,mljn,Can you read these cardinal numbers correctly?,Lets see the rules!,2,1,01,91 (ninety-one),33 (thirty-three),42 (forty-two),78 (seventy-eight),109 (one hundred and nine),145 (one hundred and forty-five),1082 (one thousand and eighty-two),Lets see the rules!,4,3,01,654 (six hundred and fifty-four),4,311 (four thousand three hundred and eleven),(nine million four hundred and twenty-five thousand two hundred and eighty-six),9,425,286,million,thousand,Lets read more,1,923,867 22,405 83,624,912 38,015,one million nine hundred and twenty-three thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven,twenty-two thousand four hundred and five,eighty-three million six hundred and twenty-four thousand nine hundred and twelve,thirty-eight thousand and fifteen,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,The CN Tower is over 1,815 feet tall.,learning about different countries,1 feet= 0.3 metre,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,Red Square in Moscow is about 91,000 square metres in size.,Tiananmen Square has an area of about 440,000 square metres.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.,1 square mile=2,600,000 square metres,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,1. There are about 8,000,000 people living in London. 2. People from about 180 countries and areas live in New York. 3. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, has over 13,000,000 people.,Ordinal numbers,order things and events,Ordinal numbers,fortieth,fiftieth,h,sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth,ieth,ieth,Ordinal numbers,fifty-third,seventy-ninth,forty-eighth,a hundred and first,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,There are_____ people in the picture. The _____ students name is Allen. (5),five,fifth,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,CCTV headquaters has got__________ floors. His office is on the___________ floor. (52),fifty-two,fifty-second,/hedkwtz/,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,Fathers day is on the________ (3) Sunday of June, and this year its on the___________ (16) of June. I love my dad ________________ (3000) times.,third,sixteenth,three thousand,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,ADD YOUR TITLE,Failure is like a thief Failure is probably the fortification in your pole in your pole.,Lucys birthday is on the __________ (29) of September. She will be _____ (40) years old then.,twenty-ninth,forty,4 rules,4 rules,Lets summarize,people things,Cardinal,Ordinal,dates,floors,positions,3,people things,dates positions etc.,Student Activity: Stories About Numbers,Write down 2 numbers that are important to you on the cardone cardinal, one ordinal. Come front and show the cards, share the stories about the numbers you write. Clue for sharing: Which numbers? Why? What happens? How do you feel?,Homework,Write a passage about a special number in your life, and share with your family or classmates.,Level 2,Finish the exercises on the book . Remember how to read and spell cardinal and ordinal numbers.,Level 1,Thank you


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