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科普版七年级下册英语Unit 8 Section D教案(周老师福建部级优课).docx

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科普版七年级下册英语Unit 8 Section D教案(周老师福建部级优课).docx

Teaching Plan for Unit 8 Topic 3 Lets celebrate! Section D I. MaterialAnalysis本课选自仁爱英语七年级下册Unit 8 Topic 3 Lets celebrate! Section D,课型为复习课。主要内容为:复习前面所学的节假日庆祝活动;阅读训练,引导学生通过跳读和寻读策略了解篇章大意,查找关键信息,学习中国的劳动节、端午节和国庆节的庆祝活动,感受传统文化。通过读后练习大数据的分析指导学生更好地掌握篇章内容;在读后的Project部分,引入央视我们的节日访谈节目的情境,鼓励学生谈论自己喜爱的节日,并通过采访表演形式进行语言输出。加深学生对本土文化的理解,增强文化自信。II. Analysis of the Students初一年学生有较强的求知欲和表现欲,喜欢课堂活动和竞赛。本节课内容贴近学生生活,描述节假日庆祝活动具有交际性和实用性,学生乐于用英语表达此类话题。学生在Section A-C中已学习了用含频度副词的一般现在时和有关庆祝节假日的表达来描述节假日庆祝过程,这为本课学习做了很好的知识储备。同时,笔者在教学活动中采取小组竞赛的方式,培养学生团体合作意识;通过引导和创设情境来启发学生的思维,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性;同时,这有利于提高他们英语表达能力。III. Teaching Objective1. Knowledge Objectives: (1) Masterthenewwords and useful expressions:international, labor, race, national,flag,one of., a one-day holiday, watch sb. do/doing sth.(2)MastertheusageofthePresent Simple Tense:People often/usually. (3)Learn more about different festivals in China.2. Ability Objectives:(1)Studentscan talk about their favorite festival/holiday by using useful expressions.(2)Studentscanpracticetheskillsofspeaking,reading,andthinkingwhile carryingout various activities.3. Emotional Objectives:(1)To know about local culture and enhance their cultural empathy.(2) To develop the students abilities of communication and cooperation.IV. Teaching Points:1. Key Points:To get to know more about Chinese festivals and holidays.2. Difficult Points:To describe the favorite festival by using Present Simple Tense and expressions.V. Teaching Methods:1.The Audio-visual Method2.Teaching Method Based on Big Data 3.Task-basedApproachwithCooperativeLearningVI. Teaching Aids 畅言智慧课堂、多媒体、黑板、自制辅助教具VII.Teaching ProcedureStep1. Pre-reading1.Warming-up Greetthestudents and divide them into four groups for a competition.设计意图:以即将到来的端午节开篇,介绍小组竞争形式“龙舟赛”,以艾叶香囊为奖励,既引出本课主题festival,帮助学生尽快融入课堂氛围,又调动了他们参与课堂活动的积极性。2.Review1.Check the homeworkCheck the students recitation of the new words in Section D and get them to practice some new words that they cant master well.设计意图:根据学生课前在智慧课堂作业平台上跟读新单词的数据反馈,分析他们对新单词的掌握情况,并对读音不够准确的单词进行口头操练。基于大数据进行精准化教学,提高课堂效率。2. Play a guessing game.Show eight pictures with letters“F E S T I V A L”and get the students to guess the names of the festivals according to the given key words behind each picture.设计意图:将所学过的关于节日的关键词隐藏在“FESTIVAL”八个字母后,让学生使用智慧课堂的抢答功能进行抢答,选取任意字母并根据字母后隐藏的关键词猜测节假日,回顾节假日的庆祝活动。既巩固学生对所学节日的掌握情况,又引发他们的好奇心,增强课堂趣味性。3.Review about the Spring Festival in Section C. Guide the students to talk about activities in the Spring Festival, using the Present Simple Tense.设计意图:借助图片和关键词帮助学生回顾上一节课关于春节的节庆活动,图文并茂,降低难度,为输出语言做铺垫。Step2. While-Reading1. Leadin. Question:Do you want to learn more about Chinese festivals?2. Read for specific information:(1)Read quickly and underline the festivals mentioned in the passage.(2)Scan the passage and complete the table on P103 and check the answers.Holiday/FestivalDateActivity设计意图:该篇文章逻辑清晰,难度适中。学生运用快速阅读和寻读策略,抓住关键信息填表,这有助于梳理文章的主要信息和框架。如此,学生学会了从哪些具体的维度来描述一个节日,为口头和笔头输出做铺垫。3. Learn language points and useful expressions.Guide the students to watch a micro-course about language points by themselves on the pads and useful expressions in Section D and underline them.设计意图:在讲解语言点环节,笔者考虑了不同层次学生的需要设计了微课。由于学生能力参差不齐,在他们自主观看微课学习过程中,可以根据自身需要,对微课进行暂停或回放;调整学习进度,以便更好地理解课文。同时,知识点微课也可以用于帮助掌握不够好的学生课后再次回放学习。这体现了微课在帮助学生巩固重难点,帮助学生自主学习的作用。4. Get the students to finish the multiple choice.( )1. When National Day comes, we have a _____ holiday.A. seven-day B. seven-days C. seven days ( )2. One of my friends _____ from America.A. are B. is C. was( )3. _____ lunar May 5th, people eat zongzi to remember Qu Yuan.A. At B. In C. On 设计意图:学生在智慧课堂平板上进行在线答题,检测语言点掌握情况,系统实时反馈数据分析。通过大数据的分析,教师能够更有针对性地指导学生进行语言点学习及巩固。Step3.Post-reading1. Get the students to watch a video and learn about special activities people have in Shishi on the Dragon Boat Festival.设计意图:通过播放关于家乡泉州石狮市端午节特色活动的视频,并辅以英文字幕,把学生身边鲜活有趣的节日庆祝活动导入到课堂中来,提高学生的学习兴趣。2. Get the students to learn how to describe special activities people have in Shishi on Dragon Boat Festival.设计意图:介绍家乡泉州石狮市端午节特色活动闽台对渡文化节暨蚶江海上泼水节,帮助学生更好地了解自己家乡的传统节日习俗。学生学以致用,既是对阅读的一种延伸的过程,也是一种情感升华,有助于加强他们对家乡文化的认同感。Step4. Project1. Share your ideas.T: Do you like the special activities in our hometown on the Dragon Boat Festival?T: Do you want to share it with others? S: Yes.T: Here is a good chance for you. There is a CCTV show named Our Festival. The host Bai Hua would like to invite you to talk about your favorite festivals.Get the students to think about their favorite festival and complete a table. Then take a picture and upload it. The teacher gives the students an example to follow.NameMiss ZhouFavorite festivalthe Spring FestivalDateJanuary /FebruaryActivityenjoy delicious food, visit friendsMeaningwonderful, it is a good time to have a family get-together设计意图:创设CCTV我们的节日访谈节目情境,引导学生思考自己最喜爱的节日并通过表格填写的形式进行梳理,将思维的过程笔头输出,使其变得可视化,为后面的口头输出做准备。然后使用智慧课堂平板将自己完成的作品拍照上传分享,学生可以点击自己的平板界面查看其它学生的作品,互相借鉴、点赞,实现交互式学习。这激发了学生参与课堂活动的热情和积极性。2. Discuss and act out the conversation.Discuss your favorite festival in pairs and make up a conversation to introduce your favorite festivals. One student acts as the host, Bai Hua, the other as aguest(来宾). The teacher gives the students an example.Bai: Good morning, everyone! Please welcome our friend,. Hello!Guest: Hello, Mr. Bai!Bai: Whats your favorite festival? /Which festival do you like best?Guest: My favorite festival is./ I like.best.Bai: When is it?Guest: Its in 月份/季节/ Its on 日期.Bai: What do people do to celebrate it? /How do people celebrate it?What do you think of the festival?/How do you like it?/Why do you like it?Guest: .设计意图:在表格和对话框架辅助下,学生两人一组做对话,谈论自己最喜爱的节日。在语言输出的过程中,教师鼓励学生灵活运用所给句型表达自己的观点,参与者可获得2分作为奖励。Step5.Summary1.Guide the students to sum upwhattheyvelearnedinthislesson.2.Make a brief comment on the performance of each group.设计意图:巩固本课所学的内容,对学生的课堂参与情况进行评价,鼓励他们今后更加积极地参与到课堂互动中。Step6. Assignment1. Write a composition(作文) about your favorite festival and upload(上传) it .2. Finish the exercises of Section D in the workbook.设计意图:在课堂上,学生已经生成了关于自己最喜爱的节日的口头对话,在课后通过完成一篇书面作文 My Favorite Festival来实现从口头向书面表达的过渡,进一步巩固所学知识。最后,将写好的作文上传至班级空间,便于学生间课后相互学习、取长补短


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