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科普版七年级下册英语Unit 8 Section C教案(王老师河北省级优课).doc

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科普版七年级下册英语Unit 8 Section C教案(王老师河北省级优课).doc

七年级下册英语(仁爱版) Unit 8 The seasons and the weatherTopic 2 The summer holidays are comingSection C . Material analysis教材分析 :北京市仁爱教育研究所编著的Project English,是在新课程理念指引下编写的一套七年级起始版教材。它以课标中的话题为依据,每册按单元话题进行划分, 每单元融听、说、语法教学、语言综合实践为一体, 为培养学生的英语综合实践能力创设了良好的语言素材。本节课是第八单元话题二的第三课时,是一节阅读课,主要活动是1a和3。 通过阅读关于旅行注意事项的短文,继续学习提建议的表达方式“You should/shouldnt.”,“Dont go to.”还将通过谈论旅行前和旅行中应该注意的事项,巩固表示建议的句型;另外,还将提供一个相对真实的任务,训练学生利用信息构建一个表达建议的语篇的能力。我在7341教学理念的指导下设计本节课,力求使学生在愉快、自信的氛围中完成学习任务。 . Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能够根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读和拼写下列词汇:prepare, share, fun, carry, decide, dangerous, stay 等;能够正确运用提出建议的表达方式,如:You should prepare well for it. You shouldnt stay in the sun too long. Dont go to dangerous places.2. Skill aims能够听懂征询和提出建议的对话;能够征询和提出建议;能够读懂关于旅行注意事项的短文,提高skimming的能力;能够写出建议信,注意对象和场合。3. Emotional aims能够积极与同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践;乐于接触和了解祖国文化;乐于和他人分享和交流。. The key points and difficult points能够正确运用表示建议和旅行注意事项的表达方式:should, shouldnt, had betterhad better not. Learning strategies1.能借助图片和问题有效猜测内容,提高预测能力;2.略读能帮助学生初步了解短文的大意。. Teaching aids教学图片、多媒体、录音机和黑板. Teaching procedures StepInteraction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (6 minutes)1. The whole class work and individual work.2. Group work and individual work.3.The whole class work.1. Focus their attention on the teacher. Answer the question:S1: I would like to take.S2: I would like to take .S3: I want to take .S4: I plan to take.2. Talk about the questions. Write down the advice on the blackboard.3.Look at the blackboard and pay attention to the sentences on the blackboard.1. Greet students. Show the pictures of 2 in Section B and ask some students to answer the question: What would you like to take when you go on a trip?2. Point out a question: Can you give me some advice when I have a trip? Let students talk about the question by themselves. Then choose some students to write down some advice on the blackboard.3.Make a summary about the sentence patterns to give advice: You should/ shouldnt do . Youd better/not do. Presentation(15 minutes)1. Individual work.2.Individual work.3.Individual work.1. Do 1a. Skim the passage by yourselves; Find out the main idea.2.Read and underline the new words and expressions in the passage.3.Try to recite the useful sentences:You should prepare for . You shouldnt . Dont go .Then retell the passage.1. Give students some time to skim the passage in 1a by themselves and choose some students to summarize the main idea.2.Let students read the passage again and try to underline the new words and expressions of giving advice in the passage.3.Show the key sentences on the blackboard and let students try to recite them. Then choose some students to retell the passage.Consolidation (8 minutes)1. Individual work and the whole class work.2.Pair work.1.Do 1b. Describe the pictures and write down the sentences on the blackboard; Check the answers together and then retell the safety cautions in the travel.2.Do 1c. Try to make up short passages with the information in 1b.1.Show the pictures to students and let students describe the pictures in sentences.2.Ask students to work in pairs and tell their partners what they have learned from the passage with the help of the information in 1b and then choose some students to say their passage orally.Practice(10 minutes)1. Individual work and pair work.2.Individual work.3.Individual work and the whole class work.1. Do 2a. Focus their attention on the teacher and think about the questions:(1)T: Have you climbed mountain before? (出示mountain图片,学习单词)Do you like climb? Why?Did you go climbing alone or with other people?(2)T: Are there any dangerous animals in the mountains?S: Youd better go with friends. Friends can keep you safe. (3)T: If you meet dangerous animals, what should you do?Ss: .T: You should keep away from them.(学习短语keep away from)(4)T:What did you take?Discuss in pairs and then finish 2a.2. Do 2b. Tell the rules of writing a letter and write to Kangkang to give him some suggestions.3.Do 3. Read the words first. Then read after the tape together and pay attention to the pronunciations of the blue parts.1.Ask students some questions to activate their background knowledge. Prepare for the following learning.2.Let students look at 2b carefully and choose some students to tell us how to write a letter in English. Then finish 2b.3.Let students read the words in 3 by themselves and choose some students to read the words in rows;提醒学生sl的发音,不要在/s/和/l/音之间加/9/、/i/音,如sleep/sli:p/.Play the tape. Production(6 minutes)Group work.Choose one place and write a passage about the safety cautions if you plan to travel in this place.Read your passages orally in class.Show some famous places of interest at home and abroad on the screen and let each group choose one and write a passage including what they should do and shouldnt do.Choose some students to read their passages.2.Assign the homework:Recite and copy the key sentences in Grammar and Functions in Section D;Preview the words in Topic 2 Section D.Teaching reflection:本节课继续学习有关提出建议的表达方式,在教学过程中始终以此为主线,展开各项教学活动,学生们在课堂上表现得较好,能够跟上老师的教学节奏,说明学生能够顺利完成学习任务;但本节课有些学生不敢大胆张口去表达,老师还需鼓励相信孩子们。. Blackboard designTopic 2 The summer holidays are coming.Section C1.You should prepare well for it. prepare prepare for 2.You shouldnt stay in the sun too long. share share.with.3.Dont go to dangerous places. fun decide to do sth.carry keep away fromdangerous stay alonemountain


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