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牛津上海版四年级上册英语Module 1 Unit 3教案.doc

小学四年级英语新教材主题单元教学研讨“基于学习要求的单元整体教学与评价的实践与研究”Teaching Plan for Oxford English 4AM1 Getting to know you Unit 3 How do you feel?Materials: Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4A M1U3 How do you feel?Teaching Aids: Multi-media, word cards, picture cards, flash, etc教学设计说明学情分析:经过三年多的英语学习,学生大多数养成了良好的学习习惯,对于英语学习的兴趣也愈加浓厚。他们能模仿老师或材料中的语音语调,也喜欢用英语进行简单的日常交流。他们求知欲强,善于模仿,喜欢听故事、唱儿歌、做游戏、肢体表演等活动形式,有较强的表现欲。但是,部分学生的注意力集中还不够持久,英语表达还不够流畅。在学习本单元内容之前,接触过相关的感觉类词汇,如:happy, sad,angry等;能用to be句型描述自己或他人的感受与心情;能运用Are you .Yes/No. Is he/she .? Yes/No.来表达自己或他人的感受与心情。模块教学任务分析:4AM1的模块教学主题是Getting to know you,分别围绕Meeting new people、 Abilities、How do you feel?这三个相关的话题展开,从介绍人物的基本情况,到描写人的能力,再到描写人的感受与心情,逐层递进。本模块涉及的数字类词汇有eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen等;涉及的有关能力的词汇有paint,draw, read, write, swim, jump等;涉及的有关感觉类词汇有happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等。本模块从学生的实际生活出发,介绍人物的基本情况,到描写人的能力,再到描写人的感受与心情。在此过程中,帮助学生学会问候、学会描述,从而能感受到他人的感受与心情。此外,学习辅音字母组合-sk, -sp, -st等在单词中的发音。单元教学任务分析:本单元的教学主题是“How do you feel?”(通过本单元的学习,能运用更多的感觉类词汇,如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等;能运用How do you feel? Im/Were .来问答与描述心情与感受,如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等。在此过程中,希望学生能合理运用形容词询问和描述自己或他人的感受与心情,并能根据不同的心情和感受表达不同的需要,同时能整合对自己或他人的描述,使自我描述与他人描述更加完整与立体。此外,学习字母组合-st在单词中的发音,能举一反三。单元教学设计思考:(华燕兰)第一课时,以Linda和Peter为主人公,两个人心情发展为主线,通过两人之间的问答及两人与妈妈的问答,学习询问他人心情与感受的单词如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等,学习How do you feel?问答并能描述自己的心情与感受。第二课时,通过故事的分步学习,进一步复习运用核心词汇happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等,初步学习理解angry,sleepy等,学习How does he/she feel?问答并能描述他人的心情和感受。第三课时,通过Sam到Ginger家玩时所发生的故事为线索,学习Sam和Ginger在相处过程中的不同感受,理解它们为什们相互不喜欢,在故事的演绎中巩固和熟练运用词汇和句型。通过对故事的表演和对故事的概括描述,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。第四课时,通过乌鸦在外又渴又累找水喝为线索,学习每一个阶段乌鸦的心情与感受,在故事推进的同时,复习单词、句型,并能明白只有学会动脑,才有收获的重要性。通过故事阅读,学生能了解所学内容在特定语境下的运用,学会在学习过程中捕捉关键内容,培养学生阅读能力,激发学生的阅读兴趣。第五课时:单元课时项目和话题:课时话题项目来源Period 1How do you feel?Look and learn & Look and sayPeriod 2How does Linda feel?Play a game, Listen and enjoy & Learn the soundsPeriod 3How do they feel?Say and act Period 4How does the crow feel?Read a storyPeriod 5Revision单元课时处理:课时语音学习词汇学习运用句型学习运用综合能力运用第一课时掌握单词的发音含义:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tiered,能将单词放在句型中进行简单运用初步感知句型:How do you feel? Im/Were1能初步感知、理解和运用单元核心词汇,如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tiered等。2能运用相关句型问答与描述自己的心情。3.通过听听看看练练说说等一系列活动让学生在操练-模仿-巩固的过程中掌握如何询问别人心情以及感受第二课时初步学习字母组合-st单词中的发音,举一反三。1进一步复习和运用单元核心词汇,如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等。2初步学习angry, sleepy等内容, 注意其含义与使用。初步学习和运用本单元的核心句型,如:How does he/she feel? Is he/she. Yes/No, he/she.等在情境中聊聊他人的心情和感受。1初步学习字母组合-st单词中的发音,举一反三。2进一步复习和运用单元核心词汇,如:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tired等;3初步学习与运用angry, sleepy等内容, 注意其含义与使用;4初步学习和运用本单元的核心句型,如:How does he/she feel? Is he/she. Yes/No, he/she.等在情境中聊聊他人的心情和感受。5尝试体会别人的心情感受,从而学会关心他人。第三课时1较为熟练地运用本单元的核心词汇。2初步学习与运用each other, Heres some.for you.等内容。 1进一步操练与运用本单元的核心句型。2能感知与运用each other, Heres some.for you.等内容。1 在较为熟练地运用本单元核心词汇与核心句型的基础上,学习与运用Heres some., each other等内容。2 在尝试用所学知识了解别人心情感受的学习过程中,体会同学之间应该互相关心,互相帮助,待人要有礼貌。第四课时能辨认、理解单词:crow, bottle, pebble等能熟练运用单元核心句型1. 能辨认、理解单词:crow, bottle, pebble, idea等。2. 能熟练运用单元核心句型。3.通过故事阅读的教学,在听看、表演与思考中,培养学生阅读能力,激发学生的阅读兴趣。4.能感受学会动脑,才有收获。第一课时教学目标:1. 掌握单词的发音含义:happy, hungry, thirsty, sad, full, tiered,能将单词放在句型中进行简单运用。2. 初步感知句型:How do you feel? Im/Were.。3. 通过听听看看练练说说等一系列活动让学生在操练-模仿-巩固的过程中掌握如何询问别人心情以及感受。Topic: How do you feel?ProcedureContentMethodsPurposePre-taskRevision1. Say a chant.2. Ask and answer.通过一首儿歌来复习曾在二年级学过到hungry和thirsty单词。利用问题引出本课主人公Linda的故事。While-task1.Teach: happy1. Learn: happy 2. Sing the song: If youre happy.happy单词学生熟悉,以一首简单的歌曲带过。2.Teach: thirsty1. Listen to the dialogue2. Learn: thirsty3. Read a tongue twister.4. Listen and choose the correct words.5.Listen to the dialogue again.6. Try to act out the dialogue.利用绕口令和几个易混淆单词的听力来帮助学生巩固thirsty的发音。3. Teach:hungry1. Listen the the dialogue2. Learn: hungry3. Listen and enjoy4.Fill in the blanks5.Try to act out the dialogue. hungry单词也是曾经教学过的,以简单的对话辅助教学。并让学生感知Listen and enjoy中的儿歌。4. Teach: full1. Ask and answer2. Learn: full3. To know: hungry and full.4. Read a chant.5. Listen to the dialogue.6. Try to act out the dialogue. 关注full的发音准确。5.Teach: sad & tired1. Play a game2. Learn: sad3. Read a chant and make a new one4. Ask and answer5. Learn: tired3. Look and say.4. Finish the dialogue and try to act it out改编Listen and enjoy中的儿歌,巩固记忆。PosttaskConsolidation1. Enjoy the whole story again.2. Ask and answer3. Try to act out the dialogue回顾故事,通过生动的flash,加深学生记忆。结合板书,尝试表演故事。Assignment1. Listening: Listen to the story.2. Speaking: Try to act out the dialogue with your friends.3. Reading: Read the words.4. Writing: Fill in the blanks.通过练一练,填一填的方式,让学生对内容有更深的印象,从而达到学以致用的效果。板书设计4AM1U3 How do you feel?Period 1How do you feel?How do you feel?Im/ Were .happy thirsty hungry full sad tired教学反思第四课时教学目标:1能较熟练运用单元核心词汇与句型。2在故事语境中,能辨认、理解crow, bottle, pebble等内容。3通过故事,在听看、表演与思考中,培养阅读能力,激发阅读兴趣。4通过故事学习,能体会只有学会动脑,才有收获的道理。Topic: How does the crow feel?ProcedureContentMethodsPurposePre-taskRevision1. Say a chant.2. Ask and answer.3. Review and check.通过chant和问答,复习单词句型,达到温故的目的。While-task1.Lead in: crow1.Listen and guess.2. Ask and answer.3.Learn: crowLook, a crow is coming. Lead in: crow.4.Listen and read.5.Read in roles.通过猜一猜引出新授单词。通过听读,进行模仿。观看视频,提取相关信息。通过观察,让学生理解,尝试描述不同的瓶子,培养学生观察与理解文本的能力。2. Picture 1hot and drythirsty and tiredI want.1.Watch the video.2.Answer and complete. 3.Listen to the crow again.4.Read in roles. .3.Picture 2bottleIt has.1. Think and say:Where is the water?2.Watch the video3. Learn: bottle4. Talk about the bottles5. Listen to the crow again.6. Read in roles.4. Picture 3too long and thin1. Think and guess:Can the crow drink the water?2. Watch the video.3. Read the sentence.4. Listen to the crow again.5.Read in roles.让学生看一看,想一想,说一说,从而达到理解故事,培养他们的思维能力。5. Picture 4 pebblean idea1.Think and say: What can it do? Does it have an idea?2. Watch the video.3. Learn: pebble/ an idea4. Listen to the crow again.5. Read in roles. 运用实物模拟乌鸦喝水场景,激发学生思维,提高学生实际解决问题的能力。6. Picture 5put.into.drink the water1.Think and say:What can it do?2.Watch the video.3.Read in roles.4. Think and share:How to drink the water?通过演示鹅卵石放入瓶中,水逐渐上升的过程,引导学生理解故事内涵,同时理解idea的含义。提供学生发挥想象的空间,阐述不同的故事结局。PosttaskConsolidation1. Enjoy the whole story again.2. Think and choose.3. Read the story freely.4. Try to retell the story together.5. Discuss: Do you like the crow?6. Show another story about a crow.回顾故事,通过生动的flash,加深学生记忆。结合板书,尝试复述故事。Assignment1. Listening: Listen to the story.2. Reading: Read the stories about the crow.3. Speaking: Act as the crow and find a way to drink water.4. Writing: Write something about the crow.分层作业,巩固新知,体现语用,实现技能兼顾。板书设计4AM1U3 How do you feel?Period 4How does the crow feel?hot and dry thirsty and tireda bottle too long and thin so thirstyan ideapebble(s) drink the water happy 教学反思Materials:Its hot and dry today.Im thirsty and tired.I want some water.Water. Water. Water.There is a bottle.It has some water in it.Yeah!Oh,no!Im so thirsty, but I cant drink it.The bottle is too long and thin.What can I do?Hmm. Hmm. Let me see.Wow, here are some pebbles.I have an idea!I can put the pebbles into the bottle.One, two, three. Great! Now I can drink the water.Im so happy! Caw! Caw! Caw!附学习作业单4AM1U3 How do you feel? Period 4 How do they feel?Class ________ Name ________ No. ________Task 1 Read the materials(朗读材料):How do you feel?Task 2 Read another story about crow(阅读有关乌鸦的一个故事):Task 3 Write something about the crow(谈谈你对这个乌鸦的想法):I like/ dont like the crow.Because.3. Evaluate about the assignment(作业评价):内 容学生自评家长评价ListeningListen to the story.(听阅读材料。)ReadingRead another story about crow.(阅读有关乌鸦的一个故事。)SpeakingAct as a crow and find a way to drink the water.(扮演乌鸦并说一说是如何喝到水的。)WritingWrite something about the crow.(谈谈你对这个乌鸦的想法。)星数说明:优秀()良好()合格() 须努力()家长签名


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