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人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9《My favorite subject is science》Section B 2a—3c课件.pptx

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人教版七年级上册英语Unit 9《My favorite subject is science》Section B 2a—3c课件.pptx

Unit9 My favorite subject is science. Unit Revision and Activity 单元复习和活动课,Learning goals:,Consolidate(巩固) the words and expressions in Unit9. Be able to show preferences (爱好) prefrns and give reasons.,The Power of the Model 榜样的力量,The Power of the Model 榜样的力量,Star in study,Star in art,Star in PE,star in study,Online interview on phone Reporter:Hello!This is Grade Seven. Can I ask you some questions?,Warm up:Speak out the subjects together.,preference,fr _______,d_______,u _______,re_______,f_______,in_______,e_______,i _______,g _______,b_______,c _______,Words: adj to give reasons 表达偏好和理由的形容词,自学指导1:联系句型,发散思维,teresting,oring,ifficult,xciting,ool,ee,seful,mportant,reat,laxing,un,Why do you like ______? Because___________,What is your favorite _______? My favorite____,Discussion: Phrases to give reasons,Reason,Chinese, math, English, art, music, history, science, computer, biology, geography,,When we have _____ class, we can______,Because its___, and when,have have have have have have have have have have,When we When we When we When we When we When we When we When we When we When we,we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____. we can____.,Consolidate &Conclusion,interesting difficult boring easy cool free useful important great relaxing busy,learn about numbers draw pictures play computer games sing songs know about important events learn about plants do some experiments learn some Chinese play sports learn English songs,My favorite subject is_________, because its___ and we can_____.,Reason,adj and V phrases to give reasons,School timetable.,What are missing?,Wednesday,Monday,Friday,Survey (day & teacher),Who likes Tuesday?,Why do you like Tuesday?,Who is your ______ teacher?,What do you think of your ___teacher?,My favorite day is_________, because its____ and we have _____ class. And my___ teacher is _____.He/She _____.,?,?,?,星期六,Saturday,星期天,Sunday,We dont have classes on______ and_____.,Report: Her favorite ____ is ___ because. And her favorite ___ is __,Eric,math,_______,Listen & report,be interested in __________,we have 2 ____,always ________us and makes __________ lively and__________,Monday,math classes,learning numbers,plays with,his class,interesting,自学指导2:尝试构建报告式段落回答,Self monitoring自我监测,star in study,Motto1(寄语): You love something, you enjoy something, and you get something. Everything needs hard work.,Interview One (favorite day,subject, teacher),Interview Two (school activity sports, food),How is your school life?,The Power of the Model 榜样的力量,Star in PE,1.Whats her favorite sport? A. Swimming. B. Running. C. Volleyball. 2. Whats her favorite food? A. Beef. B . Chicken. C. Fish. 3. Whats her favorite activity in our school? A. School Trip B. Singing competition C. Sports Day,自学指导3:关键词法,验证想法,1.Whats her favorite sport? Swimming. B. Running. C. Volleyball. 2. Whats her favorite food? Beef. B . Chicken. C. Fish. 3. Whats her favorite activity in our school? A. School Trip B. Singing competition C. Sports Day,自学指导3:关键词法,验证想法,Make a conversation to talk about your favorite sport, players favourite food or player on Sports Day. 创造真实情境对话,自由地谈论本次校运会最喜欢的 最喜欢的运动 or 某运动员最喜欢的食物 or 校运会运动员 三选一, 选你所爱,Pair Work(改编课本SA 2d),The Power of the Model 榜样的力量,Star in PE,Motto2(寄语): Work hard and play hard! Plan your time well and you can do it better!,Self monitoring自我监测,Star in art,Dear Grade Seven, I am sorry that I am in America to study music now. Id like to share my school life here. I am busy every day. School starts at 9:00. I have to spend 3 hours practicing singing in the morning. Lunch is from 12:001:00. We have meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink, but we like hot dogs and hamburgers best. We begin classes at 1:30 PM and finishes at 3:00 PM. After school, most students have many activities, such as(比如) joining a singing club. American football is the most popular and its really exciting. Staying in a new school, everything is new. I miss my dad, my favourite family member, who taught music and told me to put myself in their culture. I try to do as they do in everyday life. I am sure I will because music is my favourite. Yours, Bob,与课本SB.2d平行性能力迁移阅读,Culture Shock:.,1.What time do they begin their classes? A. At 8:30 B. At 9:00 C At 12:00 D. At 1:30 2. What do students there like best for lunch at school? A. Hot dogs and sweet food. B. Bread and hamburgers. C. Meat, vegetables and fruit. D. Hot dogs and hamburgers.,与课本SB.2d平行性能力迁移阅读 自学指导: 细读,找出答案所在。,Culture Shock:.,3. The underlined word “culture” in Chinese is ________. A. 比赛B. 运动C.文化D. 补习班 4. Which of the following is NOT true? A. American kids favourite food is French fries. B. The writers favourite subject is music. C. American kids favourite sport is American football. D. The writers father is his favourite family member.,I try to do as they do in everyday life.,Self monitoring自我监测,Motto3(寄语): Hobbies make a full man! Enjoy all subjects, enjoy your school life!,Interview One (favorite day,subject, teacher),Interview Two (school activity , sports),Interview Three (culture shock, people from different areas favorites ,),Who wants to be the next JS star? (金实之星),Now you are going to make an introduction to everyone. You can talk about your preference (likes and dislikes) then tell the reasons(Why). Make everyone know more about you. 学校正在评选新一届的金实之星,请你做一下自我介绍,你可以谈论学校生活,你的爱好,让更多的人了解你 !喜欢你!选择你!,Way of life,Favorite (Ability transfer 能力迁移),teacher,school activity,sports,最后几分钟,大家整理思绪,梳理一下今天所学,提升一级,形成文段表达。,Sum up: What do you learn ?,subject,reason:,1. interesting ,2. learn about numbers.,Key sentences:,Passage: How to tell your likes and,Homework:做个身边有心人 Write a composition about the fathers and mothers preference and the reasons! 写一篇有关你父母爱好的文章并写出理由 Try to love and care about the family


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