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教科版五年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut Period 2(共19张PPT).pptx

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教科版五年级下册英语课件-Module 6 Directions Unit 12 I know a short cut Period 2(共19张PPT).pptx

Module 6 Directions,Unit 12 I know a short cut,Period 2,How can I get to the school?,帮他找到想去的地方吧,Go straight and turn left at the second crossing.,帮他找到想去的地方吧,How can I get to the library?,帮他找到想去的地方吧,Go straight and turn left at the first crossing. Go straight and take the first right.,帮他找到想去的地方吧,Listen and tick or cross,录音原文,1.A:Could you tell me the way to the hospital? B:Go up this street and turn right at the first crossing. Walk on and youll see it on your left. 2.A:Excuse me, how can I find the museum? B:Go down this road, then take the first right. 3.A:Excuse me, is there a supermarket near here? B:Yes. Go along the street and take the first left, and then the first right. Youll see a big supermarket there.,Listen and tick or cross,录音原文,4.A:Is there a library near here? B:Let me see. Yes. Turn right just before there. Go up and turn left at the second crossing. Then walk about three minutes and youll see the library on your left. 5.A:Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the zoo, please? B:Sure. Just go up this street and take the first left. Then take the second right. You cant miss it.,Listen and tick or cross,录音原文,6. A:Excuse me, where is the toilet, please? B:Just go along this road, and youll see a small yellow building on your right. Theres a toilet in the building.,Listen and tick or cross,Look and say,Aki: I want to see a film. Where should I go?,Look and say,You:You should go to the cinema.,Look and say,Aki: How can I get there?,Look and say,You:Walk along this street. Turn left at the first crossing. Go straight. The cinema is at the end of the road.,Look and say,提示词:go for a walk;walk along;turn left;go straight,Look and say,提示词:ill;turn left;turn right;walk along,Look and say,提示词:take the train; walk along; at the end of the road,Look and say,提示词:buy a pair of shoes; go straight; turn left; turn right; go straight,Read and find,school,bank,work- shop build- ing,课后作业,写一写从你家到学校的路线


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