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教科版五年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Plans Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Period 2(共14张PPT).pptx

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教科版五年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Plans Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Period 2(共14张PPT).pptx

Module 2 Plans,Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan,Period 2,Play a game,说出图片对应的短语。,go to the beach,see a film,go mountain climbing,have a painting lesson,go for a picnic,visit a flower show,Listen and match,录音原文,(1)What is Ben going to do this Friday evening?Hes going to see a film this Friday evening. (2)What is Ben going to do this Saturday?Hes going to go for a picnic with his family this Saturday. (3)What is Ben going to do next Saturday?Hes going to visit a flower show next Saturday.,Listen and match,Listen and match,录音原文,(4)What will Ben do tomorrow?He will go to the beach tomorrow. (5)What will Ben do tonight?He will have a painting lesson tonight. (6)What will Ben do next Sunday?He will go mountain climbing next Sunday.,Look and say,A: Is the boy hot?/ Does the boy feel hot? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to eat ice cream.,Look and say,A: Is the boy thirsty ? Does the boy feel thirsty? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to have a picnic.,Look and say,A: Is the boy hungry ? Does the boy feel hungry? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to have a hamburger.,Look and say,A: Is the boy sleepy ? Does the boy feel sleepy? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to go to bed.,A: Is the boy sick ? Does the boy feel sick? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to see a doctor.,Look and say,Look and say,A: Is the boy bored ? Does the boy feel bored? B: Yes, he is./Yes, he does. A: What is he going to do? B: He is going to play with a ball.,Read and tick or cross.,() (1) The Webbs are going to stay on the farm for two nights. () (2) The Webbs are going to take a walk on the farm on the first day. () (3) The Webbs will always eat in the restaurant. () (4) The Webbs are going to work on the farm. () (5) There is a river on the farm. () (6) The Webbs will ride horses on the second day.,课后作业,请按照Do the project中所给步骤,写一篇简短的报告,介绍一下你们班一些同学的周末计划


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