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人教PEP版六年级下册英语Unit1 B3 Read and write 课件.pptx

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人教PEP版六年级下册英语Unit1 B3 Read and write 课件.pptx

Unit1 How tall are you? Part B3,人教版(PEP)六年级下册,Review,Ask and answer,A: How tall are you? B: Im Im than you. A: How heavy are you? B: Im ,older smaller younger thinner heavier bigger taller longer,Lets review,We have many changes from the baby to grow older ,taller,heavier,stronger,The word practice,Play a game,younger 更年轻的,older 更年长的,taller 更高的,shorter 更短的;更矮的,longer 更长的,thinner 更瘦的,heavier 更重的,bigger 更大的,smaller 更小的,stronger 更强壮的,Thank you!,Read and write,Spring is coming! The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter. Can you think of any other changes?,Lead in,The sky is clearer.,更晴朗的,更灿烂的,Presentation,The sun is brighter.,The trees are greener.,更绿的,Presentation,Spring is a good time to go on a trip.,Look and tick.,Practice,Wu Yifan and his family are going on a trip to the countryside. Wu Yifan has a story to tell Robin.,去旅行,乡下,__________________ (Title) Little Duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting lower and lower, but his shadow is getting longer and longer.,Presentation,“Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree. “You are older and smarter than me. Tell me why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”,Presentation,Old Tree says, “Thats easy, Little Duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing taller. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”,Presentation,Lets answer,Read and answer,Who is in the story? Old Tree and Little Duck.,Practice,Read and answer,What are they talking about? The shadow.,Practice,There are many trees. They have their own shadows.,Extension,Read and circle,1. Choose a title for the story. A. Little Ducks shadow B. Old Trees shadow 2. Who is younger? A. The tree. B. The duck. 3. When is the ducks shadow longer? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon.,Read and finish,Little Duck: Old Tree, the sun gets ________, but my shadow gets _______. Why? Old Tree: Thats easy. Your shadow gets longer because you are getting ________ and growing _______ every day. Little Duck: So what will happen to me? Old Tree: Well, ,Read the story again and finish the dialogue.,lower,longer,older,taller,1. Do you agree with Old Tree? Why?,Think and discuss,No, I dont. Because when the sun gets lower, the shadow will get longer. When the sun gets higher, the shadow will get shorter.,2. Can you answer Little Ducks question? Whats your answer?,Think and discuss,Yes, I can. The shadow changes over the height of the sun. When the sun gets lower, the shadow will get longer. When the sun gets higher, the shadow will get shorter.,3. Please circle the words with “-er”. Then talk about the changes in your friends.,Think and discuss,lower longer older smarter taller,Helen is heavier. Marys hair is getting longer and longer ,Summary,单词,younger older taller shorter longer thinner heavier bigger smaller stronger,Thanks!,所有素材均来自网络,如有侵权,请联系我们删除


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